Welcome back to school for the start of Spring term!

Head Teacher’s Welcome

Welcome to St. Mary’s CE Nursery and Primary School, Putney! I hope the information contained within our website provides a useful and helpful insight into the life and work of the school.

St. Mary’s is a one form entry Church of England State Maintained Primary School in the heart of Putney. The school has a committed staff team and pupils who want to learn. Both are strongly supported by the Governors and the Parent Body.

Learning is central to our work. Our philosophy is that all children can be successful and capable of achievement. Although we are immensely proud of our academic successes, our Christian values and ethos are of upmost importance and lie at the heart of everything we do. We gather together for daily worship and the school has strong links with St. Mary’s Church.

We support all children to achieve their full potential across a broad and extended curriculum. We work in partnership with the parent body. We ask parents to encourage their children to be independent and respectful. Our children have a thirst for knowledge and a yearning to always give of their best.

At St. Mary’s, we strive for continuous improvement. Our current strategic priorities are below. We believe these priorities are key to the continued flourishing of all our pupils.

If you are a prospective parent and would like to learn more about what we do, please do contact the school office to arrange a tour of the school.

Cheryl Payne
Head Teacher

Mission Statement

VISION: Delivering excellence, allowing all to flourish

MISSION: Creating a culture of wonder, guided by Christian faith

CORE VALUES: Endurance • Compassion • Thankfulness

Family Points

Children at St. Mary's are rewarded Family Points for showing good behaviour, good manners, good effort and good learning. These Family Points are then translated into 'bubbles'. Below are the running totals for bubbles awarded per family group each week.






Endurance • Compassion • Thankfulness