Inclusion and SEND

Helping every child

At St. Mary’s we are committed to the equal inclusion of our pupils in all areas of primary school life. We recognise the diverse and individual needs of pupils and take into account the additional support required by those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). At St. Mary’s we have a good record of helping children, particularly those with SEND, develop to their full potential. Our staff are knowledgeable about their roles with regard to SEND and we work closely with the council’s integrated support service.

Most parents experience a wide range of feelings when their child is diagnosed with a special educational need and/or disability. We aim to reassure parents that identifying and addressing a need will have a positive outcome for the child concerned. If your child has, or develops, a medical condition which requires support in school please let the Class Teacher and Inclusion Manager know as soon as possible. Care and support can be planned for, in collaboration with parents and health professionals.

Should you have any concerns or questions relating to issues around SEND or support for children with medical conditions during your time at St. Mary’s please contact Mrs Kerry Dunford – Inclusion Manager.



The term special educational needs and disabilities covers a wide range of needs, and affects many children at some time during their school career. It includes, for example, children who have a significantly higher than average ability in an aspect of the curriculum, as well as children with difficulties that affect their progress. The school uses the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice: 0 to 25 years (2015) for identification of SEND and guidance on appropriate provision for children. The school also produces an Inclusion Policy and SEND Information Report, which outline more details and both are available here on the school website by clicking on the links below:

Inclusion Policy

SEND Information Report

Wandsworth’s Local Offer

Wandsworth Borough Council’s Family Information Service (FIS) provides information for children and young people aged 0-25 years with SEND and their families, living in Wandsworth. This information is provided on their dedicated website, which can be viewed by clicking on the link below:

⇒ Local Offer


Further information

GOV.UK provides a list of information from the Department for Education and the Department of Health relating to SEND. Please click the link below to explore:



If you would like paper copies of any information, policy or document found on our website please contact the school office and a member of staff will be happy to arrange this for you free of charge.

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