Classroom Teachers

Your child’s teacher

At St. Mary’s Church of England Primary School our Early Years Foundation Stage, otherwise known more simply as EYFS, is made up of our Nursery class (YN) and Reception class (YR); Key Stage 1 (KS1) is made up of our Year 1 class (Y1) and Year 2 class (Y2); and Key Stage 2 (KS2), the largest of the key stages, is made up of our Year 3 class (Y3), Year 4 class (Y4), Year 5 class (Y5) and Year 6 class (Y6). Our supportive teaching team work closely together and are delighted to work with your child to help them progress in both their learning and development through our inspiring and challenging curriculum. Our nurturing staff will always be available to your child to ensure their day is a happy one.​​



Lisa Mc Dougall

YN Teacher

Abbey Medlin

YN Teacher


Kendal McEvoy

YR Teacher

Alisha McCarthy

Y1 Teacher

Tandia Jack

Y2 Teacher

James Phillips

Y4 Teacher

Jessica Hesketh

Y5 Teacher

Courtney Rinaldi

Y6 Teacher

Amanda 2

Amanda Bishop

Y6 Teacher

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