
Governing Body

At St. Mary’s Church of England Primary School our governing body plays a vital part in the success of our school. They are dedicated volunteers, who work closely with the head teacher, school staff, the diocese board of education and the local authority (LA) to improve standards at our school. Members of our governing body play a critical role in guiding, supporting and challenging our school.


Roles and responsibilities

The overall aims of the governing body are:

  • Ensuring that the school has a clear vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Looking at pupil performance and ensuring that all are making expected or better than expected progress
  • Overseeing the appointment, development and management of staff to ensure consistent high quality teaching
  • Overseeing the financial management of the school and making sure its money is well spent
  • Making decisions about the school buildings and ensuring they are properly maintained


St Mary’s has 16 school governors appointed by different representative groups connected to the school, including parents, the parish and the local authority. Each elected governor serves a four-year term and can apply to their appointing body for re-election at the end of that period.
In order to fulfil our primary duties, the governing body is divided into three committees – pupils, resources and leadership & management – which meet once a term. The full governing body meets four times a year to review the work of each committee, interrogate standards of progress and attainment, monitor progress against the school development plan, contribute to the school’s evaluation regime and provide final sign off for all budgetary expenditure and major building development work.
Each governor also has an area of special interest such as a curriculum subject or a management issue such as safeguarding. Termly meetings are held with the lead for each of these areas in the school to monitor progress and identify any areas needing further support.


To find out more about governance arrangements and other key information please read our Governance Impact Statement, our Governors Roles and Responsibilities document and Code of Conduct by clicking on the links below:


Annual Governance Statement 2023-24

Governing Body Roles Responsibilities and Attendance 2023-24

Governors’ Code of Conduct 2024-25

St Mary’s Register of Business Interests 2024-5


Full Governing Body Meetings

Please click the link below to take a look at the agenda of the latest meeting with the full governing body (FGB):

FGB Meeting Thursday 26th September 2024

FGB Meeting Wednesday 8th May 2024

FGB Meeting Thursday 25th January 2024


Previous FGB meetings:


⇒FGB Meeting Thursday 28th September 2023

FGB Meeting Thursday 4th May 2023

⇒FGB Meeting Thursday 19th January 2023


If you would like to see a copy of the minutes of a board meeting please contact the Chair.


Governor Vacancies

There are currently no vacancies on the governing board.


For all governance enquiries please contact our  Chair of Governors via e-mail:



Current Membership

Paula Greenwood


SDBE Governor

Cheryl Payne


Natasha Hume

SDBE Governor

Rev John Whittaker

  Ex Officio

 Linda O’Riordan

 Foundation Governor


Courtney Rinaldi

Staff Governor

Paul Jessop

Foundation Governor

Christopher Carr

Foundation Governor


Ruby Vincent

Foundation Governor



Phil Pyke

Foundation Governor

Katrina Howard

Foundation Governor

Sara Dolling

Co -Opted Governor

Ioanna Kougia

Parent Governor

Clara Lee

Parent Governor


If you would like paper copies of any information, policy or document found on our website please contact the school office and a member of staff will be happy to arrange this for you free of charge.

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