School Uniform

St. Mary’s Church of England Primary School has a school uniform and encourages parents to ensure that their child wears the correct school uniform to create a feeling of identity, belonging and pride in their school. Please click on the appropriate link below to view the uniform lists for each year group.

    • Our school uniform must be worn by all of our children at all times during their time at school, except for non-uniform/mufti days or other occasions permitted by staff.
    • Children do go out to play or do PE in light rain or drizzle. Exceptions would be severe weather conditions e.g. heavy rain, storms, gale force winds, snow, ice, extreme cold or excessive heat.
    • Children are permitted to wear additional clothing when appropriate e.g.  scarves and gloves for cold weather,  and wellington boots for heavy rain etc.
    • Jewellery is not permitted in school, except for an inexpensive watch, friendship bracelet, and plain stud or sleeper earrings.
    • Please do not send your child into school with valuable items.
    • Please ensure all items of school uniform and other school clothing are clearly labelled with your child’s name.
    • Mobile phones are not permitted in school. If used by our older children who walk home on their own they must be handed into the school office at the start of the day. Children can collect them at home time


Ordering uniform

All of our St. Mary’s school uniform can be purchased and ordered online by clicking the link below:



Please click on the link below to read the guidance on how to order online:

Guidance for Online Ordering


Don’t forget that some items of our school uniform can be found easily at most high street clothes shops, department stores and supermarkets.


Second Hand Uniform

Second hand uniform is available during the Summer term at our Nursery/Reception induction and the school also carries out second hand uniform sales termly throughout the year.  Parent/carers can also email the office at to request second hand uniform at any time.


If you would like paper copies of any information, policy or document found on our website please contact the school office and a member of staff will be happy to arrange this for you free of charge.

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