Coronavirus information archive

Coronavirus school closure section

In response to the coronavirus pandemic the Department for Education directed all schools in England to be closed from 23rd March 2020. Please read the following letters from our headteacher regarding the arrangements in place during the school closure:

School closure letter to parents and carers

Reduced provision letter to parents and carers


The Department for Education has since given direction on a phased reopening of schools to take place from 1st June 2020. Primary schools can reopen for children in reception, year 1 and year 6. Please read the following letters from our headteacher regarding the arrangements in place to facilitate this phased reopening:

Update on government guidance letter to parents and carers

Possible return to school letter to parents and carers



The safety and wellbeing of our children and families during this challenging time remains our key priority. If there is anything you would like to discuss please get in contact with our Designated Safeguarding Lead, Miss Cheryl Payne.

You can send her an e-mail using:


We have also made important amendments to our safeguarding arrangements for the school closure period and these can be found in the policy below:

Addendum 1: Arrangements for Child Protection and Safeguarding During COVID-19 School Closures

Addendum 2: Arrangements for Child Protection and Safeguarding During COVID-19 School Closures


Are you a child feeling worried or not feeling safe?

While you are at home we want you to feel safe and happy.

Click here to let us know you need help


Remote home learning

Class teachers are sending a PDF document of weekday learning tasks to parent/carers via the PACT email system. Please refer to your child’s teacher for access to these learning tasks and if you have any learning enquiries. During the Easter holiday the weekday learning tasks will be replaced by our special Easter Activity Pack which can be accessed by clicking the link below:

Easter Activity Pack


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