Year N

Welcome to Nursery!

Both Nursery and Reception make up the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) at St. Mary’s Church of England Primary School. Our curriculum ensures on the holistic development of the child, and is structured around the seven areas of learning and development.

Prime Areas:

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development – developing confidence, self-awareness and relationships
  • Communication and Language – building up children’s listening, attention, understanding and speaking skills
  • Physical Development – improving fine and gross motor control, as well as further children’s self-care and independence


  • Literacy – beginning to form the skills needed to read and write, following the Jolly Phonics scheme
  • Mathematics – exploring concepts including number and shape, space and measure
  • Understanding the World – investigating the world around us, including people and communities, the environment and technology
  • Expressive Arts and Design – expressing themselves through art, music, dance and role play, using imagination and a range of techniques

Running through and under pinning the seven areas of learning are the Characteristics of Effective Learning (CoEL). The Characteristics of Effective Learning represent processes, rather than outcomes, and describe factors which play a central role in a pupil’s learning and in becoming an effective learning.

As a first experience in school setting our main priority is to settle the children and create a warm and nurturing environment. Learning in the Early Years is fostered through play and a topic based approach. The majority of the day is spent in free flow, where children can initiate learning inside and outside. Children in Nursery also learn through a range of activities, which include planned focused groups, short whole class teaching sessions, focusing on exploration, experimentation, discussion and investigation. Much of the learning is practical and based on real life experiences, including our weekly cooking sessions and school trips.


Class Newsletters

Please read our class newsletters published every half-term

Nursery Newsletter Autumn 1 2024.

Nursery Newsletter Autumn 2 2024

Nursery Newsletter Spring 1 2025

Curriculum Map



Nursery Handbook 2024


EYFS Handbook A to Z 2024


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Endurance • Compassion • Thankfulness