Microsoft Teams Code of Conduct for Pupils

Code of Conduct for Pupils

Whenpupils areparticipating in an audio or video conferencewith staff from the schoolon Microsoft Teams, or any other video conferencing software, they shouldremember that this is an extension of the classroom and theyshould conductthemselves as they would when on theirbest behaviour in a classroom.All pupils are expected toadhere tothe following code of conduct when using Microsoft Teams: 

  • Pupils should use their approved St. Marys CE Primary School account   
  • Pupils should behave in a respectful,patient,polite and courteous manner at all times 
  • Pupils shouldfind a workspace that is quiet, safe and free from distractions with an adult nearby in the same room/space; bedrooms should be avoided; thought should also be given to the background that can be viewed (e.g. neutral with no personal photographs on display)
  • Pupils are not required to wear school uniform but must be dressed appropriately at all times (e.g. no pyjamas, clothingwornmust suitably cover top and bottom of body)
  • Pupils should remain attentive during sessions
  • Pupils should ensure face to face communication is only between teachers and pupils (any need for parent/carer to teacher communication should be conducted outside of the meeting in the usual manner)
  • Pupils must never send or accept invites to join Teams from anyone other than a Teacherwhen using their school account (this particularly appliesto people outside of St. Marys CE Primary School)
  • Pupils should not record each others online interactions, including taking screen shots or photos; if ameeting/session is to be recorded this will be done by the teacher
  • Pupils should not upload, share or forward material that could be considered offensive,inappropriate or illegal
  • Pupils should not make comments that could be considered offensive. This explicitly includes any form of cyberbullying
  • Pupils should not share any personal information with anybody online
  • Pupils will continue to follow the rules regarding use of technology as outlined in theschools Acceptable UsePolicy(AUP) – PupilAgreement
  • Pupils must make sure they have logged off’ the call/meeting correctly once it is finished – before turning off any devices 

 In addition: 

  • An appropriate adult must remain in thevicinity, ideally in thesame room/space as the child,during video or conference calls to monitor and ensurepupilsare safe and using it appropriately 
  • All members of the household must be aware that the meeting is taking placeand make sure they are also suitably dressed and use appropriate language andbehaviour when nearby or in the background. MicrosoftTeams has a built-in option to use a virtual background – you may feel this is an appropriate feature to turn on(but be aware of the limitations with this feature)


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