Reception Admissions

To read our Admissions Policy for 2020-21 please click on the link below:

Please click on the policy below for children starting in September 2021

Reception Admissions Policy 2020-2021 


Please read the policy below in preparation for applications for children starting in September 2022. Applications for this year will be accepted from October 2021

Reception Admissions Policy 2021-2022


For further information on the primary school admission process and admission arrangements for our school please visit the following website:


Reception Admissions for September 2021

If your child was born between 1 September 2016 and 31 August 2017 you can apply for a primary school reception year place for September 2021 from 1 September 2020.

Please note: your application form and any supplementary forms will be available shortly.


To apply online please go the following website:





If you intend to apply for a Foundation Place (active in the life and worship of a Christian church) you are also required to fill in a supplementary information form and return this to the school.  Please download and print off the supplementary form below:

Reception Supplementary Information Form 2020

If you would like to find out more information about the role the Clergy have in allocating Foundation Places at our school please click the link below:

⇒ Clergy Letter for Admissions made in the Parish of Putney

 Outcomes for September 2021

If you apply online you will be emailed the outcome of your application on the evening of [date tbc].  If you apply on a paper form, you will be sent an outcome letter by first class mail on [date tbc].

You will also be sent a notification letter if it has not been possible to offer your first preference school. The notification letter will provide detailed information about the outcome of your application and what do next.


Primary School Admission Appeals Timetable 2021

Please click on the link below to view the timetable:



If you would like paper copies of any information, policy or document found on our website please contact the school office and a member of staff will be happy to arrange this for you free of charge.













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