From September 2014 it became statutory for all children in KS2 to be taught a foreign language other than English. At St Marys we believe strongly in the benefit of this and have therefore implemented the teaching of French by a specialist teacher and supported by the class teacher for all children in Y3 – Y6. We currently provide opportunities for EYFS and KS1 to develop language skills by hosting a lunch time French Club.
We follow a comprehensive scheme of work published by La Jolie Ronde.
The teaching provides opportunities to develop spoken language, with written language becoming more of a focus in Upper Key Stage2, laying the foundations for further foreign language teaching at KS3.
Teaching enables pupils to understand and communicate ideas, facts and feelings in speech and later on in writing, focused on familiar and routine matters, using their knowledge of phonology, grammatical structures and vocabulary.
The focus of study will be on practical communication.
French is included, where appropriate, in cross curricular activities. French is used in displays that relate to the children’s learning and in some class routines. Languages other than French may be used within individual classes, for example when answering the register, but French is the main foreign language to be formally taught at St Mary’s.
Although French is not taught in EYFS/KS1 class teachers use their discretion and creativity to foster pupils’ curiosity and deepen their understanding of the world’s richness of languages through books/games/songs/enrichment activities when and where opportunities arise.
Take a look at how we sequence the MFL curriculum in our school:
For further information about MFL at St. Mary’s please read our school policy:
GOV.UK provides documents from the Department for Education relating to the National Curriculum’s statutory programmes of study for Languages. Please click the link below to explore: